Moving Your Veterinary Clinic To A New Location? Tips For You

Posted on: 17 June 2017


If your veterinary clinic and practice has begun to grow and expand beyond the capacity of your current location, you may find yourself thinking about moving your veterinary clinic to a new location. However, it can be challenging to move an established business, especially when you work with live animals and may have patients in the clinic during the transition. Before you get started on your big move, learn a few important tips that will help you with the moving and transition process. Then, you can be sure that moving your veterinary clinic to a new location goes as well as as smoothly as possible. 

Give Your Clients Plenty of Notice Before the Move

All businesses are built on relationships with customers and clients. However, when you are a care provider to someone's pet, which most people consider to be a member of their family, you need to be sure that you always take your customers and clients' needs into consideration. Your clients bring in their pets for both routine and emergency care and will not want a surprise when they get to your office only to find it is no longer there.

Give your clients a great deal of notice about your impending move. As soon as you know with absolute certainty that you will be moving your veterinary practice, post a notice on your doors. After you find yourself a new location and have signed all the paperwork to rent or own the space, you will want to further your efforts to reach out to clients regarding the move.

Send postcards, email notices, and social media messages to ensure that all of your clients know about the transition. And then right before your move, send out one more round of notices and/or make phone calls to your customers letting them know about the new location. While this may seem excessive to you, your clients will appreciate the attention to their needs and the personal effort you put into helping them through the transition process.

Book Your Moving Truck Rentals and Moving Services Early So You Can Move over the Weekend

Most veterinary clinics have at least one day a week in which their office is closed to patient appointments, and traditionally, these days are on the weekend. However, if you happen to run a veterinary clinic that is open on weekends, the weekend is still going to be your best choice for moving your veterinary clinic. Fewer clients and customers generally come in on weekends and you will have more flexibility and freedom to get everything moved and transitioned to your new location before the beginning of the week rush.

However, weekends are also the most popular time for people to move residences as well. As such, you will want to be sure that you book your moving truck rentals and hire movers well in advance of the actual moving date to ensure you have everything you need for a smooth transition. It is important that you work with a moving service to get your equipment and supplies moved over to the new locations safely and efficiently.

The lab and surgical equipment you use in the clinic as well as the medications and other equipment and supplies you have on hand are quite valuable to your business both financially and in terms of being able to provide your clients and patients the best care possible when you open your doors in your new location. Professional moving services can ensure that your items get into your new clinic safely so you can focus on getting set up and transitioning any animals that boarding with you from your current location to your new one without disrupting their routine or recovery.

Now that you have a few ideas of how to make the move from one location to another as easy as possible for your veterinary clinic, you can be sure that you are doing what you need to do to ensure a smooth transition. For more information, use this link.