Jacob Kuhn

  • Making Your Team More Effective Communicators

    When you are trying to get the most out of any workplace, the culture of your organization is just as important as any other part of the job. To this end, you can build a solid company culture with two things -- leadership and communication. These things go hand in hand, and it takes special training and coaching to make sure that your company is thriving with both. To this end, read on in order to learn how to make this a reality in your place of business.
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  • Don't Let Your Keynote Fall Flat! Hiring A Speaker That Inspires

    Some keynote speakers have what it takes to deliver a speech that truly inspires. Other keynote speakers fall flat. How do you know who to hire? If you are in charge of finding keynote speaking talent that is really going to be a treat, here is how to go about it and what to look for.  Watch Videos of Speakers In this digital age, everyone tapes everybody and everything. While that might not always be a good thing, it definitely works to your advantage when you are trying to hire a keynote speaker.
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  • Promotional Letter Openers Make Great Freebies That Promote Your Company

    If you're looking for a useful promotional item to give away to clients and for promoting your business, then consider plastic letter openers. These tools can be used by anyone at home or at the office, so you won't have to worry about the item being tossed aside. The more your promotional item is used, the more advertising value you get from it. Here are some ideas for customizing the letter openers and giving them away.
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  • Why Offices Should Use Desk Nameplates On Cubicles

    Desk nameplates are typically expected on desks of high-level executives with their own plush offices. Most people imagine that the bosses of a company will have their name prominently displayed on their desk in gold lettering. That doesn't mean that employees in hundreds of other job positions don't need and deserve their own desk nameplate, too. Consider these reasons why everyone who works at a cubicle in your company may benefit from having a nameplate.
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  • 3 Tips to Help You Win a Federal Contract

    If your business has an opportunity to apply for a federal or government contract that could prove quite lucrative, you're probably already dreaming of what that extra cash could do for your company. That said, landing a government contract is easier said than done, especially at the federal level. If you want to nail your proposal and get the job, here are three tips that might help. 1. Be Concise and to the Point
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  • 3 Reasons Your Government Office Should Hire An Answering Service

    If you work in a government office, then your office probably receives a whole lot of phone calls each day. Even though you and the other staff members who work in the office might handle the bulk of these phone calls right now, you should know that this does not have to be the case. There are government answering services that you can use that can help you handle some of the many calls that come in to your office.
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  • A Guide To Propane Supply

    Propane is a natural gas that is hard to beat when it comes to powering residential appliances. Most home and business owners will know all about propane water and air heaters. They are among the most common and energy efficient choices when it comes to heating a home. There are a lot of things to consider if you are going to choose propane for your heating. This article explains why propane is a great choice, and what you need to think about when it comes to choosing a supplier.
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  • 4 Types Of Fire Extinguishers

    According to the U.S. Fire Administration, there were over 1 million fires reported in 2014, resulting in 3,275 deaths. Because fires cause both damage and fatalities, it is important to have a fire extinguisher in your home. Unfortunately, however, not just any fire extinguisher will do. There are different types of extinguishers, and each one contains features that are effective for putting out different kinds of fires. To help you find the one that you need, here are four types of fire extinguishers:
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  • How Professional Pressure Washing Services Differ From DIY

    When you have dirt, raw egg, and/or graffiti staring you in the face, what are you going to do? Most people would call the police first, to report the vandalism, and then they would try to pressure-wash the stuff off themselves. However, you might want to skip the DIY approach. Professional pressure washing services would be a better idea. Here is how these services differ from doing the job yourself.
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  • Creating Eco-Friendly Party Spaces In Your Hotel

    When it comes to offering party packages, your hotel wants to minimize overhead costs. Looking for Eco-friendly additions to your ballrooms, convention rooms, and other party spaces can also help you to save money as well. Here are a few options to consider if you want to make your hotel's party spaces a little greener and save some money on operating expenses too.  Linenless Tables Linenless tables offer a great way to save money while doing something extra for the environment.
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